Using Static Assets

If you have used the official vuejs-templates/webpack boilerplate before, then you should be familiar with the static/ directory. It is here where you can place static assets that both the main and renderer process can consume. Using these assets within your Vue application is simple, but usage with fs and other modules that need a full path can be a little tricky. Thankfully, electron-vue provides a __static variable that yields the path to the static/ directory in both development and production.

Use Case within src tags in Vue Components

Let's say I have a component that loads an image, but the image's path isn't known until some other task is completed. To keep things simple, let's just use a data variable to bind our <img>'s src.


  <img v-bind:src="imageUrl">

  export default {
    data () {
      // notice the url starts with `static/`
      return { imageUrl: 'static/imgs/unsplash.png' }

Here webpack will not bundle the unsplash.png image and the application will look inside the static/imgs/unsplash.png directory for the asset. Thanks to vue-loader, all of the dirty work is done for us.

Use Case within JS with fs,path and __static

Let's say we have a static asset that we need to read into our application using fs, but how do we get a reliable path, in both development and production, to the static/ directory? electron-vue provides a global variable named __static that will yield a proper path to the static/ directory. Here's how we can use it to read a simple text file in both development and production.



SomeFile.js (main or renderer process)

import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'

let fileContents = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__static, '/someFile.txt'), 'utf8')

// => "foobar"

Please note that in production all files are packed with asar by default as it is highly recommended. Because of this, assets within the static/ folder can only be accessed within electron since it is aware of this behavior. So if you are planning to distribute files to your users, that can for example open in a external program, you would first need to copy those assets from your application into the user's document space or desktop. From there you could use the shell.openItem() electron API to open those assets.

An alternative method to this situation would be to configure electron-packager/electron-builder to set specific files to "unpack" from the asar archive in production. electron-vue has no plans to support this method; any issues related to this or how to set this up will be closed.

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